ANKU Wellness and Occupational Therapy Offerings
Sassia provides holistic, gentle, whole body treatment through the lens of non violence and Tensegrity Medicine™ (while also emphasizing consent and agency of the individual). Instead of treating just symptoms or parts of the system like traditional therapy (i.e. shoulder for shoulder pain, knee for knee pain), Sassia thoroughly analyzes the whole body, taps into the nervous system, and treats compensation or adaptive patterns in the body that develop from developmental or genetic disorders, trauma, injury, or repetitive movement patterns. Sassia works with a client to help reach relaxation, overall preventative wellness, and a new way of being after trauma, injury, stiffness, and pain.
A distance energy and mind-embodiment session is for you, your whole family, and your organization or company.
The time during a session is tailored to all involved. We will check in to our bodies and nervous systems, love on the parts of us that need warmth and space, and move through pain, discomfort, love, and joy together. Sassia will offer you time to rest and receive distance energy work through the phone or online platform.
Sassia and
How it all began…
Sassia is the proud older sister of Mika, a fabulous human diagnosed with Prader-Willi Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder. After attending many therapy sessions, doctor appointments, and IEP meetings for Mika, Sassia decided a career in occupational therapy was for her. She saw how occupational therapists used meaningful activities to build skills and confidence but recognized early on the discrepancy throughout systems for a number of identities and populations. Sassia is creating her own practice in response to the limitations she saw working as an OT in the school, healthcare, and jail systems.
Throughout the years, Mika has taught Sassia the importance of play, patience, laughter, connection, and listening that has influenced Sassia’s therapeutic style with her clients, no matter their age or ability. Mika is Sassia’s number one fan, best friend, and favorite karaoke singing and dance partner (because Mika knows every song on the radio—one of Mika’s many superpowers)!